Where Connor and JT Go Houston Space Center Houston

Space Center Houston

We visited Space Center Houston at the very end of August. Connor had been wanting to go here for the longest time and we were finally able to go.

We got there pretty close to when it opened and it was the first Friday that kids were in school so it was great because it wasn’t crowded at all.

The drive in this area was kind of neat because all the buildings and shops around there take advantage of the space theme. We didn’t take any pictures of that but this is what we saw on the way to the parking lot and from the parking lot to the door (Connor took a few of these):

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The first thing we did when we went in was go to the Starship Gallery because the show in there was about to start. The boys didn’t really care for this but I thought it was interesting. After watching the movie here there is an exhibit and the boys liked this better and again most of these are pictures Connor took(except of course the ones that he is in).

I really liked the way this room looked but it was difficult to take pictures because it was dark.
I really liked the way this room looked but it was difficult to take pictures because it was dark.

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When you leave this gallery you end up in the Angry Birds Space play area. They boys of course loved this area.

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After they were playing we went to the Chomp show. Before the show started the boys went through the obstacle course and then we looked at some of the animals they have as well as the robotic ones. After the show the boys took a picture with a little alligator.

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This was the best shot I could get of the boys going through the tires.
This was the best shot I could get of the boys going through the tires.

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After the show we went up to the flight deck of the Space Shuttle. We didn’t spend much time here.

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After that we decided to have lunch before going on the NASA Tram Tour. We ate lunch in the food court but there really wasn’t much of a selection and they didn’t have everything opened so we just shared some chicken tenders. There was however alien cups and a frozen yogurt machine that the boys loved.

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Unfortunately this is a terrible picture but it's the only one I have.
Unfortunately this is a terrible picture but it’s the only one I have.

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Moving along to the tram tour. The tram tour lasts 90 minutes and it takes you into Johnson Space Center. It stops and lets you out to tour a few buildings.

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The first stop was Historic Mission Control. Just a warning…there are a lot of steps to climb to get up to Mission Control. There is an elevator though if you need it.

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I only cropped a small portion of this picture because there were so many other people in my picture.
I only cropped a small portion of this picture because there were so many other people in my picture.

I can’t remember the names of the other buildings we stopped at but here are some pictures:

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You can see Robonaut here, we actually saw him a couple of times.
You can see Robonaut here, we actually saw him a couple of times.

The last stop on the tram tour was the Saturn V and Rocket Park. They told us that we could tour this part on our own and to be back at the tram in 15 minutes so since everyone went into the Saturn V building first we went to see the rockets outside and then went inside.

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Once we got back from the tram tour the boys wanted to play some more in the Angry Birds Space area and then we found an elevator in back of it and there were some more activities upstairs.

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The boys were sitting in here wrong so...
The boys were sitting in here wrong so…
I had to go in and show them the correct way
I had to go in and show them the correct way

Once the boys finished playing here they went down the exit slide to the first floor and we went to the gift shop. Both boys bought some of the dehydrated astronaut food and sampled them on the ride back to Galveston. Connor got strawberries and JT got an ice cream sandwich and chocolate ice cream with chocolate chips. They taste like what they are but of course the texture is different.

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A piece of the chocolate ice cream with chocolate chips
A piece of the chocolate ice cream with chocolate chips
A partly eaten ice cream sandwich...the top part of the sandwich is missing.
A partly eaten ice cream sandwich…the top part of the sandwich is missing.

So that’s the end of that but I have a few things I need to write about from Galveston so those will be next.

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